Saturday, June 30, 2012

"Doubt is Satan's way of luring us away from god!" ...

Umm NO. Its my choice and mine alone. Based on my experience and everything i know about the world and by using my BRAIN i question things. Doubting and questioning things with good reason is healthy and keeps us from being deceived & deluded. By saying "doubt" is "satan's doing" that keeps people from being logical, reasonable and being HONEST about the reality of our world.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Dont fear technology. Embrace it in ways we never thought possible, so that one day we may reach the stars.

Monday, June 25, 2012

God & Money

Now before i continue, i want to say that i am not implying that every religious person or every person in general does this because there are exceptions of course. Im sure everyone has heard (doesn't matter if u believe in it or not) that Christians , Mainly Catholics, believe in a Hell ( for punishment) and Heaven ( as a reward). The psychology behind this is FEAR. This might not work for everyone..but i can assure you its working for the majority whether they know it for not. If you do something because you expect a reward or to avoid punishment then you're motivated by self interest. Guess what else is a motivator for self-interest? Money. Is it not a coincidence that the most powerful and influential country , The United States , has "In God we trust" printed on their Money. The bible itself states that the love of money is the root of all evil. Just like Penn said ""We need to treat each other well because we love each other." Give it deep thought.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

For anyone that thinks that science and/or atheism is 'wolves in sheeps clothing" or "Satan's tactic to make us doubt".

Ever thought that the intelligent people that concocted the bible by using some historical events ( possibly the flood) and stories to captivate our emotions probably suspected that in the future there would be some people that were smart enough to not be fooled by the claim that the source was "God". That they did this just in case someone would be logical and reasonable enough to know that its all bullshit and it was a way to discredit them? Ever thought that the evil was actually religion itself to keep people ignorant and obedient and to fear a "God" that never existed? To keep them ignorant as long as possible so we dont find out that Money is the cause of alot of this and its money that keeps them in power? And thats its technology, if used wisely, is the way to prosperity ?

IF you dont believe that religion makes people ignorant by giving them the feeling that they already know the answers to life, then u are seriously wrong. I get questions from religious people like "Why do u believe in gravity if u cant see it?" or "Why do u believe in air?" and "if you believe in science then find me a scientist that found a cure to sneezing." Why do u think that i ONLY get these type of questions from religious people. Honestly the stupidest questions i have EVER heard regarding science. Even atheist know the questions to that. And even IF you found someone that didn't believe in science, which is almost impossible, they would still be open to accepting the facts when shown. But religious people think they already know the answers and when shown REAL evidence, REAL facts, and science that can be and has been applied, they STILL dont believe in it. This is very dangerous.

Friday, June 22, 2012

So we have God telling his "Holy men" what to write down. Then we have ancients trolls going around writing down false documents which cause obvious confusion. Now if your God, wouldn't you have thought of that before hand? I mean you created the fucking universe! So either he forgot about the trolls or that we allowed it to happen. So he allowed confusion to happen which naturally create all these different religions then blames people for it? This makes no sense at all. Thats because there never was a God that did this hence all the confusion because it was created by man to begin with which aren't perfect beings. A supreme being that created the universe would probably be just a tiny bit smarter than that. Why didnt he just make a "holy" book made out of some fusion of cosmic plasma and metal? That way no trolls could reproduce it therefore, causing no confusion. Unless he likes confusion, but why? HAHA..he doesnt..cause he never existed:)
“The man who graduates today and stops learning tomorrow is uneducated the day after.” - Newton Diehl Baker
The word "Sin" is used to describe undesirable actions of humans. But in my opinion it is a word invented by people to label certain actions that we don't desire during a time when we didn't know the cause of them. It is STILL meaningful today because we obviously still dont know enough about why random events happen , what causes these events by tracing them back to the source which actually is almost infinite. Random events and/or situations caused by indirect/direct influence or actions of others regardless if those actions /behaviors/events are desired or not. For example. Lets say a girl named "Anna" is crossing a busy highway and some guy runs her over and she dies either on the spot or at the hospital. Lets just say the guy did not intend to do this therefore it was an "accident". Usually anyone would not label this a "sin" because it was not intentional. Or was it? What if he was drunk? Even though the act of running over the girl wasn't intentional , he was still drunk therefore "irresponsible". Probably not considered a "sin". But lets say the guy driving was just driving around because he had a big fight at home with his wife. Therefore we can say if this "fight" never took place the man would probably have never left home in his car and therefore Anna would still be alive UNLESS another accidental event happened to Anna by some other driver or other situation not involving a car. But we can trace it down to Why did the fight take place in the first place? Was the wife cheating on him? Or Why was Anna crossing the busy highway to begin with? If Anna called off sick that day , we can safely say she would still be alive assuming the sickness wouldn't have killed her or some random murderer broke into her home. These are the things we have to think about. Some events or situation that may seem "random" can be caused by Nonrandom events etc. Sin comes in when we make wrong/bad/immoral decisions that we usually have control over. The world and universe is very complex and its up to us to make the best of it. Moral of the story? SHIT HAPPENS.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Science has been labeled as a "threat". Yet its one of if not the only thing that has lead our civilization to progression. As long as we use technology intelligently and responsibly , how is that a threat? Yes, technology has been abused but that's part of learning and not repeating. Its really simple common sense. If anything is a threat  its Religion. It Factionizes people into groups with their own beliefs instead of uniting people which is what Science tends to. Whether religions are similar or not is not the point because if religions are similar and they all believe in a god then why don't they just join together and create a one world religion? Most religious people will say "Because as a follower of Christ ..we are taught to love and treat others as you would like to be treated." I'm sorry but i know how to do that WITHOUT Jesus telling me which , by the way , was never actually proven to be "the son of god". Learning to not be materialistic but ethical DOES NOT require a belief in a fairy tale. If you need a fictional being as a have serious issues. Basically what I'm saying is that everything Good and bad about us was created by us and the universe not a "God". We just need to learn to be civilized and intelligent enough to understand what needs to be done. Stop bullshitting around, use your heads and lets get shit done...

Monday, June 18, 2012

So i feel that i needed to post this to show how people misunderstand certain things. A person asked me in response to my post about "God's love" in an attempt to show that science "doesn't know everything" which science has never claimed anyways. Science just knows a lot more about our world than religion. If you don't believe this then how was your smart phones created? Or any type of technology we have today. He/she asked me "If you believe in science, Go get me 1 scientist that can cure sneezing." This was such a shock to me. He/she clearly doesn't know what Sneezing really is. Its a defense mechanism thats triggered when particles touch our nose hairs. I've known this since i was a child. I think someone didn't listen in their science class:) someone that doesn't understand something as simple as sneezing and that it isnt a disease/illness but a symptom of some sicknesses shouldnt be allowed to debate on such a complicated topic of God and/or religion.
I think the mistake that most people make about our planet was that is was designed with a per-determined purpose. Our personal purpose is to learn about everything. The moon, stars etc have no conscious and don't know about humans. The Moon don't say "Wow,the universe is beautiful ". The only ones that can say that is of-course any life with conscious/understanding. Creationist don't consider that there is no purpose. We're in the perfect distance from the sun with the right situations to create life. We're here BECAUSE of the Goldilocks zone NOT that the Goldilocks zone was created just so we could exist. If i dropped some milk on a sidewalk (by accident) and some moss started to grow and (to prove my point) later on the moss grew consciousness and said "Wow , where did i come from? i must have been created with purpose." The moss itself thinks it was predetermined and has a purpose even though it doesnt know it was all just an accident. Accidents can be lead to beautiful things. Stop thinking just cuz we're an accident that its bad. Just because the universe is beautiful doesnt mean it requires a purpose. The purpose is inside us :)
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For anyone thats interested in Evolution vs Creation : This pretty much shows that we weren't created from scratch but gradually over time from previous ancestors which is basically called evolution.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

"For The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil."            

They usually say that its the "love" of money thats the root ...but i believe that its money itself and what it allows us to do. When we have this shiny coin or piece of paper that can get us anything we want as long as we have enough of it..psychologically that tells us "hmm, now if i can get enough of this..ill get anything i want." the problem with this is that initially people will acquire money for basic needs for themselves and family but we eventually want more and more of it..which leads to greed and it spirals out of control leading to other problems. Once greed exists , there will be people that will try to control money and keep most of it for themselves and create an artificial scarcity. Most money today exists in digital form not paper. The banks could go in ur bank account and add 1million to your account and everyone elses, BUT that wouldn't be good for the Big corporations.

Whoever wrote the bible knew what money has done in the past. This is why im interested in Ancient civilizations. Does that quote come from God or prove his existence? Not necessarily. Seems like its just people that learned from their mistakes and are trying to warn others from repeating them..

We only love money cause it exists. But if we got rid of it...and started an RBE then we wouldn't "love" money cause it wouldn't exist. How can you love something which does not exist? simple logic...

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Let's take the idea of God. A God that expects use to believe his existence (faith) when there is no evidence whatsoever, just the Holy books. Yes they have good moral values which can come from man not exclusively from god. But there is no real proof that these holy books are REALLY from god. Religion requires us to have faith which tells us to ignore the facts of science that prove otherwise. Why would God expect his creation ( humans) to believe in him when there is nothing to show for, NOT ONE. With all the wars, violence, mistrust, jealousy/envy and several other complications in life , religion says that you just need "faith". A God that gives humans the ability to have rational/logical thinking and critical thinking which will and is leading us to the frontier of science and technology. A God that gives humans the ability to doubt him with VERY good reason. Why would you create something then expect it to believe in you when it doesn't make sense to. Even if Rational/logical thinkers or "non-believers" are actually wrong, can you blame them ?